I have been blessed, challenged, stretched and grown the past 5 years I've worked at Heartbeats as a Nurse. I could tell you story after story about how God is using this center for His glory to so many people. The leadership at the center is better than any I've seen and I truly am gratful and humbled to be a part of this center.
When I think of Heartbeats, I think of a place where any and all are welcome. I think of a place where you're greeted with a smile. I think of a place where everyone you come in contact with cares about you, your family, your friends, your work place, your home life and on and on. I think of a place where it's safe to share what you're going through, what you're feeling, and talk through how you're going to conquer your greatest fear or accomplish your highest dream! I think of a place that cries with you when you receive that unexpected positive pregnancy test, laughs with you when you see that baby jumping around during the ultrasound, rejoices with you when you share that your baby has been born, and loves on you and that baby every time you're there. I think of a place that calls you just to check in. I think of a place that mourns with you when you're grieving... Overall, I think of a place that values, cherishes and prays for LIFE from start to finish! That is why I am passionate about spreading awareness about Heartbeats, the services they offer and the Love and Hope of Christ they spread to all.
I challenge and urge you to pray about how you can sacrificially give to help continue these services in our community!